In Mexico they call a yard, a garden. Have I mentioned we have a beautiful yard? Last week we were outside playing in our garden and after Esten and I both did some pull ups on our bar, Rowan wanted to try. Much to our surprise he could hang on the bar all by himself. He's strong. This picture didn't capture him all alone on the bar but notice Esten is not holding him.

And then he just wanted the camera and wouldn't hang anymore for a better photo op. But this one is cute.

This video needs a little explanation/translation. Rowan loves giving the dogs treats. Ian can sometimes snatch them from him and "bite" him. He doesn't bite hard but it happens. Rowan does NOT like this so he will mostly throw Ian's treats. Before he throws them, he "counts." He can say, two so he substitutes that number for all numbers. Pablo is small and Rowan puts Pablo's treat directly in his mouth. For anyone watching who doesn't know any Spanish, mas means more. It is probably the word that Rowan uses most often. This video is of Rowan giving the dogs treats. Enjoy!