Saturday, September 4, 2010


According to Wikipedia, a razorback is a feral, domestic pig. It also happens to be the mascot of the University of Arkansas, which is where Esten has accepted a faculty position. Yep, that's right, we're moving. Esten will be a wheat breeder, working to develop wheat varieties for the state of Arkansas and other southern states. He will also be teaching a class or two.
U of Ark is located in the northwest corner of Arkansas in a town called, Fayetteville. It's a progressive, small town and seems like a mini-Austin. They have a pay as you throw trash program, an organic, vegetarian meal delivery service, a "green" library, the Buffalo National River and a brewery. We are thinking we'll fit right in. We'll be leaving Mexico at the beginning of October. Ahhh. So much to do, so little time. Congrats to Esten on such a big accomplishment. It seems like yesterday we were just college students and now he's a college professor. How awesome is that?


  1. Yay!!! Go Masons go! And WELCOME HOME!

  2. I am glad you guys were able to share your adventure with us before you head back to the states.


