This little lady turned 11 months old yesterday. Can you believe it? If you ever find this blog Miss Mae you'll see that I have failed at keeping close tabs on your accomplishments/likes/dislikes. Today I'll attempt to capture you in words at 11 months.
- Your hair is amazing. Each morning you wake up with curls all over your head. We love it.
- Your teeth, well you still have just two. Maybe you can work on that this month.
- Your favorite food is avocado, I mean you'll dive towards a bowl of guacamole if you see it. You LOVE avocado. You also like pesto and cheddar cheese. You enjoy eating ice that your dad has "baby birded" for you. If you hear the ice maker you crawl quickly over and put your finger in your mouth. That is your sign for "put that in here."
- You also sign, all done and more. And you sort of wave if sticking your arm out and opening your mouth really wide is waving. I'll take it.
- You are still chimpanzee crawling and getting around fast, including getting up the stairs. You cruise too but haven't showed any signs of really wanting to walk.
- You love babies. If you see a baby in public and I put you down. You crawl over and talk "orca" to them. You keep your mouth closed while making sounds that a whale might make, it's soooo adorable.
- You sleep like a champ at night and are on a schedule of napping twice a day.
- You love stacking cups and also putting toys into baskets, buckets, etc...
- You are lovable. Hugs and kisses (kisses are for mama only, daddy's beard is your worst enemy) are plentiful.
Now I'll start planning your Big Hat, High Noon, Happy Hour Birthday Party, you sweet southern belle.
oh shes so perfect! I better get an invite to that fancy party! Happy 11 months Ryder!!