And then Saturday was my 29th birthday. My parents came to College Station and Esten and I got to go out for a few drinks that night. It was my first time to leave Rowan for longer than 20 minutes: we were gone for at least an hour and a half. We met up with some of our friends and had a great time. Rowan did just fine too. Rowan went for his first jog this morning in our new jogging stroller and stayed awake much longer than he usually does probably because he could see where he was going. We've been running with a stroller with plastic wheels that his carseat fits into. He faces me in that stroller so facing the world instead is a huge upgrade. This stroller is a much smoother and enjoyable ride for him and run for me. Thanks Moms and Pops.
Sunday was Mara's birthday so we went to Austin to celebrate with the family. She's a doll and loves her cousin Rowan.
Outside of all of the celebrating, Rowan has started to sit in his bumbo for 10 minutes at a time and seems to enjoy the freedom of not being held but sitting upright. He also got a excersaucer this weekend and loves that too.
And he is just drooling like crazy. Maybe teeth are on the way.
Oh, that hoodie...too too cute! Thighs in a Bumbo, Pablo in the swing, and my husband gets a PhD...BEST BLOG EVER :)