Before we left on our vacation we had yet another Mexico "experience." With lots of laundry to be done, our maid waiting to clean our house, showers to be had, diapers to be washed, etc... we had not a drop of water. On the second day we decided to ask our neighbor if she had water, wondering if it was just us or a village problem. It was just us. We looked at our pump (bomba) and it was old and sounding funny so we decided, instead of waiting for plumber who couldn't come until Saturday (the day we were leaving) we would just do it ourselves. And that's what we did. Here are Esten and Rowan working hard at attaching the new pump.

FAIL. The pump was not the problem, but we have a new one now. We looked at the fuses and they looked old, so Esten went and bought news ones and installed them, FAIL. The fuses were not the problem. So we gave up. We bought 12 5-gallon bottles of water to pour into the washer machine so that we could at least rinse Rowan's diapers and to do the huge pile of dishes that had accumulated over the days. The most frustrating part was that our cisterna, the tank under the house where water is stored until it is pumped to the tank on top of the house, was full but we couldn't get the water from there into our house. Errrggghhh. We arranged for our maid, gardener and neighbor (we figured between all three of them, one of them would run into the plumber) to talk with the plumber when he came on Saturday and get the problem fixed. And thankfully since we've been home our water has been plentiful. It was a filter part and some really old washer-looking things that had been causing the problem.
On a much happier note, while we were home, in the great state of Texas, we went to Sea World. A friend of the family, Clay, works there. He was able to let all of us, mostly cousins and our children, into a part of the park that others don't get to experience. The kids were able to pet a wallaby, a huge tortoise and see an owl, up close and personal. We like owls,
remember? It was really hot but we had tons of fun. The cutest thing of the day was when Rowan saw Shamu jump out of the water, he called him/her an "airmee" which in Rowan's language means airplane. We laughed because she kind of does resemble one.

And without further ado, the BIG news. Rowan is using his potty. He mainly uses it in the morning and at night but we're not complaining. He knows what it's for and that's the first step. He is very proud of himself and claps a lot when he pees in it. We're taking it slowly but we are on our way to a potty trained Rowan.

Here is a picture of our "foyer" (it's really big to call it that) where Rowan's GeoTrax train is setup. We play out there a lot in the morning while we drink our coffee. Oh and in case you care to know, under the floor in that room is where our cisterna is, it's like a hidden swimming pool under there.

We are enjoying the cool, wet weather here. The highs are in the 60's and lows in the 40's with rain daily. If you need an escape from the heat, come for a visit.