This past weekend we braved the rain and chilly temperatures (50's) to hike Mount Tlaloc. Tlaloc is a rain god that is worshiped by the Aztecs. This makes a lot of sense because this particular mountain is one in the range of mountains that our storms come over. It is 4,151 meters high and gorgeous. Some friends from CIMMYT have climbed this mountain before and since there is not any signage and there are no permanent trails, besides the one main road, it is rather important to go with someone who knows where they are and where they have been, especially if you plan to venture past the main road. People illegally take timber from this mountain and as you walk you can see the donkey trails that have carried the wood out of the forest. When we arrived we saw three women coming down the mountain with buckets full of mushrooms, which were likely going to market. We went to look for mushrooms as well. Chantarelle and porcini mushrooms grow in the leaf litter from the pines and oaks high on the mountain. We came down with maybe 20 mushrooms in all and no one could confirm that they were 100% safe to eat. So maybe we didn't get dinner but we had a really good time and workout.
Just as we began hiking looking over at another mountain.

It was very misty.

Ro in the pack our friends Cristina and Jeff gave us long ago. Despite the look on his face he really did love it.

Ian the international hiking dog. Pablo couldn't come because of his attitude problem with other dogs.

Some of the mushrooms. I think they were alleged porcinis. I googled them and I'm glad we didn't eat them. Maybe they were chantarelles. I'm not a mycologist.
¡QuĂ© tenga un buen fin de semana!
oh so great to see ian dog back with his fam! looks like a beautiful hike.