As promised in reverse order, Philadelphia. We flew to Philadelphia after Mic and Jessica's wedding to visit our friends,
John and Jess, and meet their new addition, Singer Nash Noel. This visit consisted of a lot of, "Yes Rowan the baby has eyes, but we don't touch his eyes." Next time when Singer can defend himself, it's on. Jess and I spent most of our time taking care of babies and catching up, while John and Esten spent their time in the basement (aka. The Man Cave) recording a SOLID gold album. I'm still waiting for my check, Jess did you get yours? While we were there our friends, Susan and Bruce, came down from NYC to visit and we also had the pleasure of hanging out with Ava for the 4th of July.
I can't believe I'm posting this picture of myself but the boys are cute.

The boys at the park, I believe they are discussing Singer's hands.

And here is Singer smiling at Ro.

And Ro running to bring me a lily.

We braved the heat and went to see the Liberty Bell. Ro was very impressed :) Here's the fam in front of the cracked bell.

Coming up next, wedding photos.
SO MUCH LOVE IN THIS POST!!!!!!!! I love yous guys.