I'm glad we went because what if we really had an emergency and this firefighter, dressed from head to toe in his gear, shows up at his window to help him and he runs from him? He listened to every word they said and we practiced a "fire drill" with a smoke alarm. I'm counting this trip as insurance, that in case of an emergency he has at least seen a firefighter in full gear before. He's that kind of kid, super cautious the first time and adventurous the next.
One of the firefighters finally convinced Rowan to give him five and then asked him if he would like to drive the truck. Rowan told him, "No, too big." I had our camera and was ready to get some really cute pictures, FAIL. I did manage to get him to stand with the other kids and take a few pictures at the end.

We are awaiting the next snow storm as I type this. It was 67 on Saturday and now we are not getting above freezing until next week and our lows at night keep getting lower every time I check. Negative 2 on Wednesday morning, let's just say Spring has not sprung. I predict six more weeks of winter. We'll see what Punxsutawney Phil says in a few days.
What a great idea, Shannon! Jackson loves the truck at the children's museum, but there is a fake fireman that really scares him. I'm totally stealing this:)